Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Stylish Blogger Award!

<<Les mots ne mentent pas>> tagged me to reveal 7 facts about myself and receive an award.  My first award!  Merci!

1) I started french school when I was 5.

2) I'm left-handed

3) I lived in France for 4 months.

4) I'm from Vancouver, BC but I go to university in Sherbrooke, Quebec.

5) My favourite animals are sea otters and guinea pigs.

6) I think westies are the most adorable dogs ever and I can't wait to get one!

7) I'm applying to Grad School for a Master's in Library and Information Studies.  I want to be a children's/youth librarian at a public library!

My blogs are:

2) Joelle @ Love is Home
4) Amanda @ Amanda & Don
7) Teenage Bride @ Teenage Bride
8) French Lover @Our Transatlantic Love
7) Quite Contrary @ Quite Contrary
8) Lindsay @ Lindsay Writing
9) Curly J @ Running From Cupcakes
Honestly those are the blogs I feel I read enough to give an award too.  Can't wait to read everyone's answers!


  1. Thanks so much, you are so sweet! That is so awesome you lived in France.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. France was amaaazing. I can't wait to go back :)

  4. J'aurais moi aussi tant aimé faire un échange étudiant en France!!! Mais mon projet n'avait pas fonctionné, dommage!

  5. Aw dommage :( Faux que tu ailles en vacances, alors : )
