Sunday, October 31, 2010

Let it Snow Let it Snow Let it Snow

Abbott Field

See the Bishop's mug? There is snow at Bishop's!

Fire extinguishers and middle of the night snow

Yesterday being the big Halloween party night, I was expecting some shenanigans.  Things seemed pretty quiet though, and with the exception of the soda crackers smushed to smithereens in my hallway I didn't feel too bothered by it all.  Well, some lovely people decided to let off a fire extinguisher in their apartment.  Must have opened the door because it let off the building fire alarm.  Rudely awaken at 1am by the most shrill of shrill fire alarms, we trundle out side in the snow.  It took a few minutes for them to open up the building where we all camp out during fire alarms, so it was a wee bit cold standing outside in my pyjamas.  Luckily (or not if there had been a real fire lol) I'd at least pulled on a hoodie.  Alas, winter coat days are upon us.  I really wish I had something nicer than my ratty old blue Columbia jacket.  It has served me well, but it has definitely seen better days.

Well back to studying business french.  Woohoo!

Darcy xoxo

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Fall at BU in pictures

What's this you say?

A new blog? You're scratching your head in confusion, I know.  The reason is simple really.  All my friends and family can read this, unlike others.  It is also much much easier to post content (ie photos) within entries.  What will be in this blog? A whole lot of randomness, and nothing special.  Just a place for my thoughts and opinions, because if I were to unleash some of them in real life I might get in trouble :P

Random picture of the day: my DREAM mixer.  I have been longing for a stand mixer for almost as long as I've been baking.  I found the most beautiful one on  KitchenAid of course, but check out the colour:

Isn't it to die for? It has that slightly retro/vintage feel, c1950's-60's.  My only dislike is the mixing bowl is stainless steel, but the only stand mixer KitchenAid makes with a glass bowl is candy apple red.  *Gags*  If I can't wear red I certainly can't have a red mixer sitting out on my counter.  For those of you who like red, however, it is very beautiful red.  Reminds me of the shiny apple the wicked Queen offers Snow White : )

Mmm I have homemade macaroni and cheese in the oven.  I felt like I had to take time out of all the crazy eat some good home-cooked food instead of Tim Horton's or something from the Gaitor Grill.  Maybe such yummyness will make me forget about my immensely frustrating French essay.

